Frontend Forever App
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Progressively Awesome Form Button
And change the effect below
Made by Simey
@charset "UTF-8"; @import url(,400,600,700,800); *, :after, :before { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; } :root { --shimmer-hue-1: 213deg; --shimmer-sat-1: 95%; --shimmer-lit-1: 91%; --shimmer-hue-2: 248deg; --shimmer-sat-2: 100%; --shimmer-lit-2: 86%; --shimmer-hue-3: 293deg; --shimmer-sat-3: 78%; --shimmer-lit-3: 89%; --glow-hue: 222deg; --shadow-hue: 180deg; --spring-easing: linear( 0, 0.002, 0.01 0.9%, 0.038 1.8%, 0.156, 0.312 5.8%, 0.789 11.1%, 1.015 14.2%, 1.096, 1.157, 1.199, 1.224 20.3%, 1.231, 1.231, 1.226, 1.214 24.6%, 1.176 26.9%, 1.057 32.6%, 1.007 35.5%, 0.984, 0.968, 0.956, 0.949 42%, 0.946 44.1%, 0.95 46.5%, 0.998 57.2%, 1.007, 1.011 63.3%, 1.012 68.3%, 0.998 84%, 1 ); --spring-duration: 1.33s; } @property --mask { syntax: "
"; inherits: false; initial-value: 33deg; } @keyframes spin { 0% { --mask: 0deg; } 100% { --mask: 360deg; } } @keyframes wipe { 0% { mask-position: 200% center; } 100% { mask-position: 0% center; } } @keyframes pulse { 0%, 90%, 100% { opacity: 0; } 20% { opacity: 1; } } @keyframes pulse2 { 0% { opacity: 0; } 8% { opacity: 1; } 14% { opacity: 0; } 20% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; } } @keyframes flicker { 0% { opacity:0.1; mask-image:none;} 1% { opacity:1; } 2% { opacity:0.5; } 3% { opacity:0.1; } 4% { opacity:0.7; } 5% { opacity:1; } 7% { opacity:0.7; mask-image: linear-gradient( 90deg, transparent 15%, black 45%, black 55%, transparent 85% ); } 8% { opacity:0.1; } 10% { opacity:0.4; } 13% { opacity:1; } 15% { opacity:0.1; mask-image: linear-gradient( 45deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.4) 25%, transparent 45%, black 65%, black 90%, transparent 100% );} 17% { opacity:0.8;} 19% { opacity:0.3; } 21.5% { opacity:0; } 23% { opacity:1; } 39% { opacity:0.7; } 45% { opacity:0.2; } 49% { opacity:0.9; } 52% { opacity:0.7;} 53.5% { opacity:0.2; mask-image: linear-gradient( 90deg, black 15%, black 45%, rgba(0,0,0,0.4) 75%, transparent 85% );} 57% { opacity:0.8; } 63% { opacity:1; } 75% { opacity:.85; } 77% { opacity:1; } 80% { opacity:.9; } 82% { opacity:.95; } 83% { opacity:.85; } 86% { opacity:1; } 89% { opacity:.85; } 91% { opacity:1; } 92% { opacity:.9; } 100% { opacity:1; } } @keyframes shine { 0% { opacity: 0; } 15% { opacity: 1; } 55% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; } } @keyframes text { 0% { background-position: 100% center; } 100% { background-position: -100% center; } } button { width: 100%; color: var(--bg); font-weight: 600; background-image: linear-gradient( 315deg, hsl(var(--shimmer-hue-1),var(--shimmer-sat-1),var(--shimmer-lit-1)) 0.00%, hsl(var(--shimmer-hue-2),var(--shimmer-sat-2),var(--shimmer-lit-2)) 47%, hsl(var(--shimmer-hue-3),var(--shimmer-sat-3),var(--shimmer-lit-3)) 100.00% ); padding: .8em 1.4em; position: relative; isolation: isolate; box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 1px hsl(var(--glow-hue) 50% 20% / 50%); border-radius: 0.66em; scale: 1; transition: all var(--spring-duration) var(--spring-easing); } .shimmer { position: absolute; inset: -40px; border-radius: inherit; mix-blend-mode: color-dodge; mix-blend-mode: plus-lighter; pointer-events: none; } .shimmer::before, .shimmer::after { transition: all 0.5s ease; opacity: 0; content: ""; border-radius: inherit; position: absolute; inset: 40px; } .shimmer::before { box-shadow: 0 0 3px 2px hsl(var(--shimmer-hue-1) 20% 95%), 0 0 7px 4px hsl(var(--shimmer-hue-1) 20% 80%), 0 0 13px 8px hsl(var(--shimmer-hue-2) 40% 60%), 0 0 22px 6px hsl(var(--shimmer-hue-2) 20% 40%); z-index: -1; } .shimmer::after { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsl(var(--shimmer-hue-2) 70% 95%), inset 0 0 3px 1px hsl(var(--shimmer-hue-2) 100% 80%), inset 0 0 9px 1px hsl(var(--shimmer-hue-2) 100% 70%); z-index: 2; } button .text { color: transparent; background-clip: text; background-color: var(--bg); background-image: linear-gradient(120deg, transparent, hsla(var(--shimmer-hue-1),100%,80%,0.66) 40%, hsla(var(--shimmer-hue-2),100%,90%,.9) 50%, transparent 52%); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 300% 300%; background-position: center 200%; } button:not([disabled]).textShine .text { animation: text 1s ease-in 1; } button:not([disabled]).level0 { background-color: rgb(216, 217, 235); background-image: none; } button:not([disabled]).level1 .shimmer::before, button:not([disabled]).level1 .shimmer::after { animation: shine 2s ease-in 1; } button:not([disabled]).level2 .shimmer::before, button:not([disabled]).level2 .shimmer::after { opacity: 1; } button:not([disabled]).level2 .shimmer { mask-image: conic-gradient( from var(--mask, 0deg), transparent 0%, transparent 10%, black 36%, black 45%, transparent 50%, transparent 60%, black 85%, black 95%, transparent 100% ); mask-size: cover; animation: spin 3s linear infinite both -0.5s; } button:not([disabled]).level2[data-effect=wipe] .shimmer { mask-image: linear-gradient( 90deg, transparent 20%, black 88%, transparent 90% ); mask-size: 200% 200%; mask-position: center; animation: wipe 1.5s linear infinite both -0.5s; } button:not([disabled]).level2[data-effect=wipe2] .shimmer { mask-image: linear-gradient( 90deg, transparent 15%, black 45%, black 55%, transparent 85% ); mask-size: 200% 200%; mask-position: center; animation: wipe 3s linear infinite both -0.5s; } button:not([disabled]).level2[data-effect=pulse] .shimmer { mask-image: none; animation: pulse 3s ease infinite both -0.5s; } button:not([disabled]).level2[data-effect=pulse2] .shimmer { mask-image: none; animation: pulse2 3s ease infinite both -0.5s; } button:not([disabled]).level2[data-effect=flicker] .shimmer { mask-image: none; animation: flicker 3.33s ease infinite both -0.5s; } button[disabled] { background: rgb(76 76 92); background-image: none; } button:hover:not(:active):not([disabled]).level1, button:hover:not(:active):not([disabled]).level2 { scale: 1.1; transition-duration: calc(var(--spring-duration)*0.5); } button:active:not([disabled]).level1, button:active:not([disabled]).level2 { scale: 1.05; transition-duration: calc(var(--spring-duration)*0.5); } button:hover.level2 .shimmer { animation: none!important; mask-image: none!important; } button:hover:not([disabled]) .shimmer::before, button:hover:not([disabled]) .shimmer::after, .shimmer::before, .shimmer::after { opacity: 0.75; } body, html { display: block; height: 100dvh; padding: 20px; margin: 0; background-image: radial-gradient( circle at 50% 0%, rgb(67, 54, 74) 16.4%, rgb(47, 48, 67) 68.2%, rgb(27, 23, 36) 99.1% ); } main#app { width: 500px; max-width: 100%; display: flex; gap: 16px; flex-direction: column; margin: auto; padding: 16px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; background: hsla(var(--shadow-hue), 20%, 10%, 0.75); border-radius: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; } .input { min-height: 100px; width: 100%; position: relative; } .count { position: absolute; right: 5px; bottom: 5px; } textarea { min-height: 100px; width: 100%; background: hsla(0deg,10%,10%,0.5); border: 1px solid hsla(0deg,10%,50%,0.5); border-radius: 8px; color: white; padding: 8px; box-sizing: border-box; font: inherit; resize: vertical; } .selection { margin: 20px auto; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; gap: 16px; } .selection label { display: inline-flex; align-items: center; gap: 4px; } h1 { font-size: 1.4rem; margin: 0.25em 0; }
console.log("Event Fired") // inspired by Aaron Iker // // and Adam Argyle // // uses custom properties, so will only work in Chromium Browsers. let levels = [1, 4, 7]; let btn = document.querySelector("button"); let radios = document.querySelectorAll("[type=radio]"); let count = document.querySelector(".count"); let t = document.querySelector("textarea"); let previousWords = wordCount(t.value); let previousLevel = 0; let deltaUp = false; count.innerHTML = + 1 - wordCount(t.value); function wordCount(str) { return str.trim().split(" ").length; } t.oninput = (e) => { const str = t.value; const words = wordCount(str); let level = 0; count.innerHTML = Math.max( + 1 - words,0); btn.classList.add("disabled"); btn.classList.remove("level0"); btn.classList.remove("level1"); btn.classList.remove("level2"); btn.setAttribute("disabled", true); addShine = () => { if (previousLevel < level) { btn.classList.remove("textShine"); window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { btn.classList.add("textShine"); previousLevel = level; }); } else { previousLevel = level; } } if (words > levels[2]) { level = 3; btn.removeAttribute("disabled"); btn.classList.remove("disabled"); btn.classList.remove("level0"); btn.classList.remove("level1"); btn.classList.add("level2"); addShine() } else if (words > levels[1]) { level = 2; btn.removeAttribute("disabled"); btn.classList.remove("disabled"); btn.classList.remove("level0"); btn.classList.add("level1"); addShine() } else if (words > levels[0]) { level = 1; btn.removeAttribute("disabled"); btn.classList.remove("disabled"); btn.classList.add("level0"); addShine() } else { level = 0; btn.setAttribute("disabled", true); btn.classList.add("disabled"); previousLevel = level; } previousWords = words; }; radios.forEach((r) => { r.onchange = (e) => { btn.dataset.effect = e.currentTarget.value; }; if( r.checked ) { btn.dataset.effect = r.value; } });